Warrior Queens Rise Project

Welcome to a Movement

Where empowerment meets purpose –

the Alpha Queen Collective and Warrior Queens Rise Project.

We're on a mission to transform the lives of women globally, fostering personal growth, and championing gender equality. Join us as we rise together!

The Alpha Queen
Collective Experience

The Alpha Queen Collective is a haven for ambitious women, a community where strength is celebrated, and goals are achieved. By becoming an Alpha Queen, you tap into your inner power, gaining confidence to conquer your personal and professional aspirations.

Warrior Queens Rise: A Stand Against Injustice

Warrior Queens Rise addresses critical issues like gender-based violence, FGM, access to sanitary napkins, and mental health. By supporting Warrior Queen Rise, you contribute to a global movement working towards a world where women are respected, empowered, and free from violence and discrimination.

Warrior Queens Rise: A Stand Against Injustice

Together, the Alpha Queen Collective and Warrior Queens Rise provide a holistic approach to women's empowerment, advocating for gender equality on a global scale.

Our Pledge: Global Impact

We're dedicated to eradicating gender-based violence and ending harmful practices like FGM worldwide. Through education, advocacy, and empowerment, we strive for lasting change until every woman is free from violence, discrimination, and inequality.

Prioritizing Mental Health: Breaking Barriers

Recognizing the unique challenges women face, Warrior Queens Rise establishes mental health programs, breaking the stigma and providing safe spaces for seeking help and support.

Collaboration for Change:
Advocating with Impact

Warrior Queens Rise actively collaborates with governments, policymakers, and organizations, advocating for legal reforms and policy changes that protect women's rights.

Your Impact: Every Woman Counts

For every woman joining the Alpha Queen Collective, we donate a portion of proceeds to Warrior Queens and young girls in Kenya, supporting their dreams and aspirations.

OMG, you broke me open this weekend! Seriously, you evoked my sovereign goddess within, and I thank you so so much for being fricken incredible!





Ingrid truly has the secret sauce to upleveling your business and bringing out the best in you and your vision.

When I joined High-End Empire, I had no idea why my business wasn’t working. I felt really frustrated.

Ingrid's vortex really sets her apart from other coaches. Combined with her experience, strategies, stellar client care, and team of experts, she is positively impacting thousands of people around the world.

I’m now clearer than ever about my business and how to thrive and have given myself permission to allow my inner healer and coach to come forward. With Ingrid’s help, I now have my signature program and supporting products and more importantly the confidence to impact the lives of my clients and grow my business as much as I want.

I highly recommend hiring Ingrid and her incredible team to anyone who’s ready to seriously make shifts in the world and create abundance in their lives. Hiring Ingrid was one of the best business investments and decisions I’ve ever made.

Ingrid has a way of taking you right to the heart of your message and offer, strategically mapping it out, and articulating it with love and grace. Once you’re in that space of divine clarity, she then mobilizes you to GO, get your work OUT into the world, and SELL before you can think twice and shrink back into hiding again! I sold over $27K in two months for the first time in my business at lightning speed, and I know I’ll never pack my bags to go back to solo-preneur island again. And I keep selling and selling, as I serve. I’ve now surpassed six figures!



Ready to Make a Difference?

Join us in the journey of empowerment and purpose. Let's create a positive impact on the lives of women and children in Kenya.