One Step at a Time

Nobody gets married to get divorced, yet so many of us go through it. Divorce is a major life change that affects all areas in your life. From finances, parenting, relationships, self-love, and your own identity as you go from being married to being single.

Going through a divorce is a process of critical decision making at a time when your emotions are taking a ride on the biggest roller coaster there is. Fear, loneness, anger and insecurity are just a few emotions that are tugging on your heart. After spending years building a family, it can seem impossible to imagine life on the other side.

My name is Karissa Williams, I’ve experienced divorce both as child and as an adult. I know how devasting it can be for you and your kids. Though you may not see it right know, divorce can be an opportunity to create new dreams and rebuild your life.

Getting a divorce was definitely not in my “plan.” However, I think that this process has been manageable because I am mentally, physically, and emotionally stronger than ever before. Do I have tough days? Absolutely! Do I find myself listening to that inner voice of self-doubt and judgement? Hell Yeah!! Are my emotions running wild? Yep! I am a normal human, LOL. Along the journey I have learned unique coaching tools that allows me to stay happy, healthy, confident, and true to myself!

As a Life Coach, I help clients get through the tough emotions, battle the challenges, and keep them motivated during this “Big Life Shift”.

Together, we will build strategies that put you back in the driver’s seat, so that you can navigate and embrace the chaos. You will be empowered to make decisions which best serve you and your priorities. Wherever you are in the process, I will guide you to gain clarity so you can create the life you deserve.

Yes! You can get to the other side with a sense of renewed confidence and hope. Request your complimentary Discovery Session below to get started.