Accountability Partners

An accountability partner helps hold you accountable for showing up, challenging you when it’s time to step up, and keeping you motivated. If you are struggling with staying motivated, disciplined, and dedicated to your new healthy lifestyle, start with finding a friend that has similar goals. Ask them to help hold you accountable for not just your gym sessions but also your food intake and overall healthy lifestyle.I have several people in my life that I consider being my accountability partners………My Nutritionist Matt Showalter owner of Max Muscle helps hold me responsible for my food intake, My mentor Madeline, who helps me grow personally and professionally, my husband Nick who helps me with all of “life” situations. But part of the reasons why I am so successful in the gym is because I enjoy working out with others.

When I workout with others it inspires me to push harder giving me a better workout. I believe that a big part of anyone’s success in the gym is not “going at it alone.” It all started with me having the courage to walk up to people and ask them if they would like to workout together. I know this can be a challenge for most people, especially if you are an introvert. But just remember that nothing “good” comes from inside your comfort zone. Sometimes you need to get “unconformable” for change to happen.

Let me tell you about my most recent experience with my last accountability partner. I was in the gym with Erin (one of my good friends, gym buddy, and kickboxing partner) just doing our thing. You know, jamming out to some good tunes, lifting weights, and crushing our goals. As Erin and I were pushing out some reps, we noticed some other “fit gym junkies.” These girls were lifting weights and motivating each other.

One day, Erin couldn’t make it to the gym, so instead of letting this stop me from getting a good workout in, I decided to tighten my ponytail and go to work. At the end of my workout, I decided to go up to those girls and ask them their names. (I love meeting new people)

After five minutes of chit-chatting, I realized that yes our personalities would mesh well together. So, I decided to give Alyssa, my name, and number. I went ahead and said: “If you ever want to workout together let me know.” After texting back and forth for a couple of hours, we arranged a time and date that we would be able to meet at the gym.

The night before our first official meet up; I started feeling excited and nervous about our “lifting date.” It is the same kind of excitement you get when you meet a boy that you really, really, really like for the first time. LOL Lets just say that I was so excited that I woke up before the alarm could go off ready to seize the day.

Twenty minutes into our lifting session, I knew that we would be great accountability partners. After working out with Alyssa 3+ days a week, you could say that Alyssa and I became good friends. There is something special about two women who can encourage and empower each other to become more motivated, stronger both mentally and physically, and willing to lift each other up. (Literally, we help lift each other every day with assisted pull-ups. Ha!)

Every morning I would shoot her text that says “Hey Girl, See you soon.” She would reply with “Yep, on my way.” During our lifting sessions, we laugh together, support one another, and encourage each other to push ourselves further. Our gym relationship turned into a friendship, and I will forever think of her as a friend.

If you are reading this story and you find yourself needing some encouragement in the gym or the kitchen I challenge you to work up the courage and go find your own “Alyssa.” I promise you won’t be disappointed. In case you’re wondering what happened with Erin, don’t worry we are good friends and still work out together.

To my gym partner Alyssa, “thank you for always challenging, motivating, and supporting me in the gym.”