10 Healthy Habits That Will Change Your Life

More than two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese. What are the other third doing that can maintain a healthy weight? Why are some able to get fit and stay fit while others struggle to do so? I believe that these “fit” people have created healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Here are 10 Healthy Habits I follow religiously.

  1. Make your Health a LIFESTYLE – I don’t workout or eat clean thinking that I will only have to do it for a few months. HELL, no! This is a lifestyle I enjoy living.
  2. Have FUN – Break up your workout regimen. I enjoy several types of workouts such as Kickboxing, Lifting, HILT, Zumba, Mixxed Fit, Group classes, etc.
  3. Follow the 85/15 Rule – When I am not training for something specific I follow the 85/15 rule. 85% of hardcore workouts and clean eating, 15% letting loose. (going out to eat with friends and having some drinks along the way)
  4. Being COMPETITIVE – Some would say that I am super competitive. Let’s be real; I am. LOL. I will always strive to outwork everyone in the room. It doesn’t matter if I am at work, at a chamber function, or in the gym. I will always give 100% of my effort 365 Days a year.
  5. MINDSET – Mindset is huge, if you don’t believe that you can achieve something then you never will. Train your brain to think that anything is possible.
  6. PEOPLE – Surround yourself with like-minded people. If you hang out with shit, you start to smell like shit. Sometimes you have to be willing let negative people go and focus on the people who want to help, encourage, support, and see you succeed.
  7. EXERCISE and EATING – We don’t look at Exercise or eating clean as a weight loss method. It’s a way of life. Food is fuel for your body.
  8. DRIVE – You have to want the healthy lifestyle so bad that you are willing to HUSTLE 365 days a year to achieve it.
  9. GOALS – I love setting goals, crushing goals, and then creating new goals.
  10. HUMBLE – Stay hungry and humble. Never forget the people that helped you get where you are today!

Change your habits, change your life!